
The Subliminal Power of Stress

 The Subliminal Power of Stress What? STRESSED? Who me? Did you know that STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS? Oh how interconnected our diets are with the stresses of this life! I think we can all quickly agree the world is under a lot of stress lately and since we are in the world then we too are feeling the pressure that comes with living in this world. Which means all of us must somehow manage this stress. There is physical and emotional stress, but the stress we probably deal with the most is emotional. How we deal with this emotional stress which comes upon us on a daily basis will determine the course of our lives. All of us have stress triggers. Some, like money, are easy to name. When the bills are due we can feel the physical manifestation in our bodies. Some stresses are way more subtle. The recent global shutdown produced a litany of these hidden stresses as we tried to succor our homes and loved ones. What do we do when such stresses hit us? Generally, speaking when str

What's 52 Days?

          Tomorrow we begin, and yes, the flesh is already talking trash! The excuse machine has clicked on and a myriad of voices are battling within my mind. But I know his ways and I know he is liar. This old nature of ours is always trying to escape any type of 'work'. Don't forget we are all trapped in this body and we are all wired the same way. We want pleasure and we want it as quickly as possible and we want it as painlessly as possible. If the flesh had a mantra it would be "Avoid the Cross at All Cost"! The toughest part is to get started and then once we get started the next step is to keep moving forward toward our goals. It's been said that the only difference between a rut and the grave is the depth, but I disagree. At least, if you are in a rut you are still alive and if you are still alive, then you still have a chance to change course. Once you are in the grave you have no more choices. Where the tree falls, there it shall it lay. So let'