What's 52 Days?


    Tomorrow we begin, and yes, the flesh is already talking trash! The excuse machine has clicked on and a myriad of voices are battling within my mind. But I know his ways and I know he is liar. This old nature of ours is always trying to escape any type of 'work'. Don't forget we are all trapped in this body and we are all wired the same way. We want pleasure and we want it as quickly as possible and we want it as painlessly as possible. If the flesh had a mantra it would be "Avoid the Cross at All Cost"! The toughest part is to get started and then once we get started the next step is to keep moving forward toward our goals. It's been said that the only difference between a rut and the grave is the depth, but I disagree. At least, if you are in a rut you are still alive and if you are still alive, then you still have a chance to change course. Once you are in the grave you have no more choices. Where the tree falls, there it shall it lay. So let's take advantage of these next few days to give the extra pushes needed to get ourselves out of the 'ruts of life' all of us seem to fall into from time to time. Let's encourage each other to stay on track. Believe me, the next fifty-two days are going to pass whether we do something or not, so why not take advantage of this challenge while we have the chance. The day will come and these fifty-two days will pass on by like a vapor and on October 11, we will be able to look back with satisfaction of knowing we overcame the lies of the flesh!

Here's a reminder of what lies ahead!

Starting at midnight (August 22) we will commit to 52 days of rebooting our lives, naturally and spiritually! We will endeavor to add or take away from our lives what hinders us from getting closer to the Lord!

It could be one thing or few or many, it all depends on where you are in life right now!

My advice is to keep it simple and just do you! Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing on the team, just start. Let’s build a strong base that after 52 days we can build upon!

Don't forget to post on our team thread what you are committing to fast or do these next fifty-two days, because what you publicly commit to will help keep you accountable to one another. 

If someone falls off the ‘wagon’ it is the goal of the team to help them get back on and back in the flow! No man or woman will be left behind!

Philippians 3:13-14

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

My 52 Day Reboot Goals!

This is my fifty-two day commitment.

I will arise every morning between 5-5:30 am. No later than 5:30 am. I will spend the first hour my day with the Lord, in prayer, Bible study, meditating on His Word. I will reboot my writing blog and post the link every day for the team to read if they desire to read it. (This is a fast from laziness and wasting time)

My natural fast will be to abstain from eating meat for 52 days. I will be adding 2 fresh juices a day. The focus will be on eating more LIVE foods for the temple of the Holy Ghost, which we are! I will get back on track with my exercising! Hit and miss will not work on this 52 day reboot. 

Let’s go Team Reboot!
